FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)
Competition Class Paragliders
or on https://www.fai.org/civl-documents
in the folder Sporting code - Section 7G

Measurement Guidelines
CCC requirements approved February 2020
CCC requirements approved February 2016, to be implemented October 1st 2016. - to be implemented October 1st 2016.
Same document with modifications shown: Same document with modifications shown.
CCC requirements plus Annex B - Revision 3.5 approved September 8, 2014
CCC Test Template - Published October 12, 2014
CCC requirements plus Annex B - Revision 3.5 approved September 8, 2014
Detailed requirements in this document called "CIVL Competition Class (CCC) - Paragliders permitted in FAI Category 1 Cross Country events".
Annex B defines controls and procedures.
CCC Test Template - Published October 12, 2014
- What and when: a sum-up of the most important points of what has to be done and when.
- Publication: Test Laboratories and CIVL responsibilities.
- Blank Measurement File Template: the required mandatory measurements.
- Measurement File Example: how the Measurements File should look like.
- Measurement Process Example: how measurements could be done in competition.
To be read in conjunction with the CCC requirement document and Annex B. In case of conflict between documents, especially concerning measurements and deadlines, the CCC-Test-Template document is the rule.
All information concerning CCC requirements and process, including the list of CCC certified gliders, is now available here.
The CIVL Bureau, in agreement with the Paragliding Committee, has published a document (Excel format) called CCC-Test-Template-Oct2014. This document includes the following sheets:
- What and when: a sum-up of the most important points of what has to be done and when.
- Publication: Test Laboratories and CIVL responsibilities.
- Blank Measurement File Template: the required mandatory measurements.
- Measurement File Example: how the Measurements File should look like.
- Measurement Process Example: how measurements could be done in competition.
- The list of CCC certified gliders is published on CIVL website.
- If a glider is not on this list, it cannot be flown in Category 1 events: World and Continental championships.
- Each glider is linked to its Certification of compliance and Measurement File.
Blank Measurement File Template
- Measurements others than included in the Measurement File are not required.
- The measurements given by the manufacturer in whatever format are imported by the test laboratory in the CCC-Test-Template.
- The test laboratory check if manufacturer measurements are within the tolerances of the CCC tested glider.
- Inside the tolerances: the test laboratory confirms the data of the CCC-Test-Template.
- Outside the tolerances: the test laboratory informs the manufacturer. They check together the differences, modify them or not, agree on the new data and add them in the CCC-Test-Template.
- The CCC-Test-Template is published for anyone to check the wings.
Measurement File Example
No comment.
Measurement Process example
This sheet describes how controls are done in competition. It will evolved asap in a kind of handbook, so everyone can measure and control following the same technic.
EN Gliders
All EN A, B and C gliders are accepted as they are.
All EN D gliders with flat aspect ratio of 7.0 or less are accepted as they are.
EN gliders EN certified in time for the 2014 European championship with flat aspect ratio higher than 7.0 (Axis Mercury Sport, Gin Boomerang 9, Niviuk Icepeak 7 Pro, Ozone Enzo 1 & 2, Swing Core 3…) have to comply with the following CCC requirements:
- Lines have to be CCC compliant.
- Risers limiters are installed.
- In the Measurement File are filled only: line and riser length, drawing of riser, table of lines quality.
- Users’ Manual is updated and includes the Measurement File.
- Test Laboratories send to CIVL the Certification of Compliance and Measurement File.
The Test-Lab-Template document is to be read in conjunction with the CCC requirement document V-3.5, including Annex B.
In case of conflict between documents, specially concerning measurements and deadlines, the CCC-Test-Template document is the rule.